April 2, 2010

He's Alive Buns

I like to try and do fun stuff with Corbin that has to do with the up and coming holiday.  Sometimes it's crafts, sometimes it has to do with cooking but if it a Christian holiday I always try to find a way to incorporate the TRUE meaning of the holiday into our creative session.  When I saw this recipe in my MOMS of all Seasons newsletter I knew I had to try this with Corbin this year. My friend Michelle M. created the recipe and shared it in the newsletter.  They are called He's Alive Buns and they are really yummy!

Here are some of the ingredients.  Forgive the photography skills here, I had to take this one quick because Corbin couldn't wait to get started.

First you pop open the biscuits.  You'll need to flatten them out a bit to fit the whole marshmallow in the middle.

Wrap the biscuit around the marshmallow and seal it shut.

Then the goodness begins!  Dip the biscuit already laden in butter in more butter! Melted butter of course.  After that, dip it into a cinnamon and sugar mixture, coating all sides.

As you can see Corbin had to lick his fingers.

Have I told you that cinnamon and sugar brings me great joy? LOVE it!

Cook them according to the biscuit package recommendations.  Here is my dear son waiting patiently.

He's Alive, He has risen! The tomb is empty. Praise God.  Now I must tell you that this photo does not do these buns justice.  They are ooey gooey on the inside and bottom and crunchy and crusty on the outside.  If I had my Macro Lens then I could have gotten a much better shot of this decadence.
My family gobbled these up and I wont tell you how many I had.

The Recipe
1 package tube biscuits
1 package large marshmallows (you only need 8 though)
3Tlbs melted butter
1 tsp. cinnamon
5 or 6Tlbs. sugar 
Take each biscuit out and stretch and flatten it enough to fit the marshmallow inside.  Wrap the biscuit around the marshmallow and seal really well.  Dip the biscuit in melted butter and then dip it in the cinnamon & sugar mixture.  Lay on a foiled line cookie sheet about 1 inch apart.  Cook according to biscuit packaging.  Eat them when they are warm.  You wont be able to just have one.

Luke 24
The Resurrection
On the first day of the week, very early in the morning, the women took the spices they had prepared and went to the tomb.  They found the stone rolled away from the tomb, but when they entered, they did not find the body of the Lord Jesus.  While they were wondering about this, suddenly two men in clothes that gleamed like lightning stood beside them.  In their fright the women bowed down with their faces to the ground, but the men said to them, "Why do you look for the living among the dead?  He is not here; he has risen!  Remember how he told you, while he was still with you in Galilee: 'The Son of Man must be delivered into the hands of sinful men, be crucified and on the third day be raised again,' "  Then they remembered his words.


  1. These are awesome! I think I'll pick up the ingredients tomorrow and we can do it here. The girls would LOVE this :)

    Look how grown up Corbin looks!

    Welcome to the blogosphere, Jenn!


  2. we enjoyed these scrumptious yummies yesterday!!! this is a wonderful post. thank you and now i won't need to keep my MOMS newsletter, i'll just go to this post!

  3. My family loved these! I'm going to make them again tomorrow for the extended family. The best part, minimum ingredients and time...but maximum taste and fun! I agree; a great way to teach the kiddos about the TRUE meaning of Easter. Love the post, awesome pics. ;)

  4. Sounds not so healthy but really good!
    -Michelle B.

  5. Just made these!! They turned out great! Thank you so much for sharing! :)


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